A meal can make a difference
How many times have you starved or how many times did you have to worry about getting your next meal? Maybe, you have had the experience of hunger pangs, but that could probably be a once in a blue moon incidence. But, can you imagine living this experience day in and day out and for every single meal of the day? Difficult, right?
On one hand, where we can see India progressing leaps and bounds, on the other hand, it also has a disheartening scenario of hunger, poverty, and illiteracy. And, unless it is rescued from this situation, India will keep struggling to reach the stage of a developed nation. Heeding to this, The Akshaya Patra Foundation, an NGO for children has been in the service of the young citizens since 2000. Akshaya Patra implements the Mid-Day Meal Scheme across 12 states of India thereby providing nutritious school lunch to more than 1.75 million children on each school day.
The history of mid-day meal can be traced back to Pre-Independence Era. However, the present format of the scheme began on 28 November 2001 when the Supreme Court of India passed a mandate directing State Governments and Union Territories to provide cooked mid-day meal to children in every Government and Government-aided Primary Schools. So, how does the provision of school meal make a difference in the lives of children in particular, and in the landscape of the nation at large?
The children in government schools mostly hail from low socio-economic backgrounds. It has been observed that the mid-day meal acts like an incentive for parents to send their children to school; with the single hope that their children will receive at least one proper meal for the day. And, once children enter the school gate they automatically get introduced to the world of education and aspirations.
Aside from the statistical impact, the meal positively affects the young minds strengthening their willpower and confidence to achieve their dreams and goals.
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These are just a handful of dreams from a pool of 1.75 million dreams. And, a meal can sustain and support these dreams. Sponsor a child and unleash the power of a meal. Empower children with the goodness of nutritious meals and rightful education. Your sponsorship will prepare children to become healthy, responsible, and independent citizens of the nation. Show your support today!